New York Association of Neuropathologists
Atlantic Health Systems Case: A 32 year old man with left leg weakness
and a large extra-axial parafalci np tumor .
The circulated slide showed a tumor of moderate to high cell density composed
of short spindle cells in short fascicles orĀ· more random arrangements. There
were foci with dilated blood vessels with thin walls somewhat reminiscent of staghorn vessels wit hout bei ng good examples of such a vascular pattern.
There were many mitotic figures and some apoptotic cells . In areas the cells
were fairly small and were tightly packed, almost resembling PNET .
Discussion cent ered a round the diagnostic entities of Dural (or Meningeal)
Hemangiopericytoma, (Malignant) Solitary Fibrous Tumor, Mesenchymal
Chondrosarcoma, and related entities . It was suggested by Dr Zagzag that
Monomorphous Synovial Sarcoma would need to be eliminated. Several others
emphasized that the tumor was a malighancy of the type formerly reported
uniformly as Hemangiopericytoma and that whatever it was called the clinicians
should understand the clinical predictions from the pathologic appearance. Dr
Bouffard indicated that after many immunostains (CD34+; bcl 2+; EMA+; GFAP; CK;
HMB45 all - ; i Reticulin minimal; Ki67 30-40%) and other studies he had signed
the case out essentially as a Malignant Solitary FibrousTumor/Hemangiopericytoma (which was also recommended as the diagnosis by Marc
Rosenblum) .