New York Association of Neuropathologists
A 45 year old man with a sacral mass.
Additional information shown at the meeting was the MRI of the tumor, which
was within the thecal sac but appeared dural-based.
The submitted H&E stained section showed a neoplasm with prominent
perivascular growth patterns, resembling pseudorosettes or papillae, as well
as more solid lobulated areas. The tumor cells were of moderate size with
more or less centrally placed irregular nuclei, many with intranuclear
pseudoinclusions. Mitotic figures were easily found.
Discussion centered around a differential diagnosis of ependymoma and
papillary meningioma. Brief mention was made of gangliocytic paraganglioma of
the cauda equina, but only to say that no ganglion cells were found and the
tumor did not appear to be a paraganglioma. The nuclear features and overall
architecture favored a diagnosis of meningioma.
Immunostains shown at the meeting demonstrated that the tumor cells were
strongly vimentin positive, and there was weak focal EMA positivity. All
o~her stains done, including GFAP, were negative. The final diagnosis was
Papillary Meningioma.